Friday, December 31, 2010

The Photograph!

One thing that I find mesmerizing about a photograph, is that if it's the right photograph for your eyes, it will never cease to draw emotion!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Ranch!

Christmas of 2009, we visited my uncle's ranch up in Northern California. It's a wonderful place to visit, and we love going there every year. Unfortunately we did not make it this year, however we hope to bring the whole family up there next year! Here are some photos that I was able to bring home with us. Like I mentioned in my last post, I am in the middle of building a new website, so this could possibly be my last post for a little while, although I hope for it to be a very seamless transition.....Enjoy the photos, and have a wonderful evening.....Jake

Monday, December 27, 2010

A Smokey Morning in OB!

A slight change of pace for me for posting up photos. I have been going strong for a little over 2 weeks now with photos and posts, and while I plan or at least am going to try to post daily, I may not always be able to pull it off. For those of you who have been either following my new blog, or who have just stopped by to see some of my photos, you may have noticed that I am in the works of starting my own photography business. I am still in the early stages, but am learning daily on the do's and don'ts of business. I am trying to minimize my risk, and maximize my fun without too much stress! Ha, how's that for a lofty goal!
Right now I am in the middle of designing a new website and blog. They will both go hand in hand, and will have a completely new look to them.
I am very excited about what 2011 is going to bring for me and my family! The fun part is that I am not too sure just what that is! I do have a couple weddings lined up in the first quarter of the year, and will hopefully pick up a few more up to and through the summer months. In addition to wedding photography, I really enjoy family portraiture. I have a lot of fun meeting with new families and documenting an hour-long freeze in time for them, that they will enjoy for many years to come. I also hope to capture more baby portraiture in 2011. One of which will be of my new daughter who is set to join us April 12th! So, in the spirit of not being able to capture many photos lately, I would like to leave you with a simple photo I captured a couple weeks back of the coastline at Ocean Beach in San Diego. I call it, "A Smokey Morning in OB". So to those of you who have taken the time to read this, thank you very much for doing so, and I wish to you and all your families a wonderful 2011!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Herreria Family!

Here are some photos of my good friend and co-worker Vic Herreria and his family. We were able to have some fun taking pictures at the Presidio in Old Town. The kids were great and had a lot of fun. It took his daughter a little bit of time to warm up to me, but then the lollipops came out and she was instantly my buddy.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas to You!

Like most folks, we had a fun-filled busy day today. We had a lot of fun opening gifts with out lovely daughter, and here are a two photos from last year, and three photos from this year.....I hope you all had a most wonderful Christmas, and are gearing up for those New Year's Resolutions.....Good Luck!

Friday, December 24, 2010

The Nelson Boys!

Yesterday I took my 3 nephews out for a little hike, swim (well one went for a swim in the stream on accident), some swinging, and a little photography. They are great boys, had a lot of fun, and enjoyed having their picture taken. It was nice to get out, albeit that it was pretty cold, and wet.....Here are quite a few of the shots we took....if anyone wants me to come take some photos, please just give me a call or send me an email. I am having a lot of fun with my new business adventure.......Jake